
Su Bike es Mi Bike

There is so much that I want to (and will) say about cycling infrastructure and how downtown Phoenix is perfectly poised to accept and integrate a vibrant cycling culture. But not today. Today I just want to ask if any of you have any experience with bike sharing programs.

The most well publicized is the Paris program, Velib, and has been imitated in other European cities, Canada and now in the U.S. as well in cities like D.C. and Boston. {Update: the first bicycle share program was in La Rochelle, France which implemented it in 1974. It is still a successful and well-used program today.}

Photo courtesy of LWY

Has anyone ever used a bike from one of these programs? Did you like it? Was it easy? Do you think it should be implemented in Phoenix?

It does appear that there is increased cycling safety in greater numbers. Could a program like this increase the numbers on our street and help create a critical mass of transportation cyclists in Phoenix?

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